Christmas is almost here and I can't believe it! It's been crazy trying to get everything done when I've been so busy with parties and working and family. I'm so glad I've got the next week and a half off to just breathe.
I wanted to share with you what my Christmas is looking like right now.
Here is my hus-band putting his train set together from when he was a kid around our first Christmas tree in our own house. Please note there are presents under the tree now.
Here is the White Elephant present I won at my office Christmas Party. I actually had to steal it from someone to keep it. Why would no one want this sweet faced Elf?
And last, but not least, me and my girls (Aja, Me and Jenna) at the Houston Ballet's Nutcracker. It never feels like Christmas begins until I go see the Nutcracker. Thanks for coming with me ladies, I had a blast!
I''ll be back with a Good Bye 2010, Hello 2011 post of my favorites from the past year. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday season this year.
Ho! Ho! Ho!